domenica 19 febbraio 2012

Georg Philipp Telemann - Concerti for Oboe

15 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 54Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

1-Concerto in E minor
2-Concerto in D minor
3-Concerto in C minor
4-Concerto in F minor

Han De Vries - Baroque Oboe
Alma Musica Amsterdam

Today I began ripping my own LPs, so be warned:
the audio quality is not as perfect as in a CD rip.
This is my first one.
I did my best in cleaning the sound up
using Cool Edit but this is still vinyl.

Anyway I think this recording is so beautiful
it really deserves to be posted.

Any comment that may help me to achieve
better results would be much appreciated.
BTW, thanx to everyone for your comments.

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