sabato 18 febbraio 2012

A.Banchieri - Gemelli Armonici

23 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 125Mb

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The interpretation of the numerous dialogues (sung by one singer who change his voice according to the characters) has favored the embodiement of the characters from the commedia dell'arte, trying to play beyond the stereotypes embodied by the masks. While in total respect of the use of the time, the interpretation gives way to “sperimentazione” either by trust the text to a single singer and to the attention placed in the musical research, as evidenced by the choice of instruments. Following the indications of the author, as found in the notes to the "Prudenza Giovenile", a narrator reads the verses of introduction to each scene, “accompagnata dalla grazia dei musicisti che concertano un’amabile melodia a loro gusto”.

Gemelli Armonici & Metamorfosi Musicale

1 - MM1 - Prologo - Su rallegrate i cuori
2 - MM2 - Passa a mezzo Sinfonia
3 - MM3 - Non più parol
4 - (GA19)Viri sancti(GA2)In convertendo(GA16)Vox dilecti mei(GA7)Adversum me
5 - MM4 - Flavia gentil adio
6 - MM5 - Vien zoso
7 - MM6 - Ninetta, bella Ninetto
8 - MM7 - Villotta
9 - (GA20)Domine audivi(GA21)Pastores(GA12)Haec loquutus(GA5)Ibant(GA13)Domine
10 - MM8 - Ahi me come farò
11 - MM9 - Ascolta Pedrolin
12 - MM10 - Bon dì sposo dolcissimo
13 - (GA15)Equitatui meo(GA3)Bonum(GA6)Misericordias(GA11)Qui vult venire post me
14 - MM11 - Tic toc Sagnura Laura
15 - (GA18)Exaudi Domine(GA1)Sancta Cecilia(GA4)Vere digna(GA14)O quam pulchra es
16 - MM Liquide perle Amor dagli occhi sparse
17 - MM12 - Liquide per l'amor ranocchie sparse
18 - MM13 - Deh Laura che farai
19 - (GA17)Beati omnes(GA8)Deus(GA10)Isti sunt(GA9)Estote fortes in bello
20 - MM14 - Mascherata di soldati
21 - MM15 - Ahi me chi miro
22 - MM16 - Fate festa e allegrezza
23 - MM17 - Bizzarria

Ensemble Hypothesis
dir. Leopoldo d'Agostino

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