26 CD - MP3 192 Kbps - 24 RAR 2.5Gb
DepositFiles - FileFactory
Folder index:
A Laurel for Landini - GotVoiALau.rar
A Song for Francesca - GotVoiASon.rar
Hildegard: A feather on the breath of God - GotVoiHild.rar
Jerusalem, Vision of Peace - GotVoiJeru..rar
La Rue: Missa De Feria & Missa Sancta Dei genitrix - GotVoiLaRu.rar
Lancaster and Valois - GotVoiLanc.rar
Machaut: The Mirror of Narcissus - GotVoiMach.rar
Masters of the Rolls - GotVoiMast.rar
Music for the Lion-Hearted King - GotVoiMusi.rar
The Castle of Fair Welcome - GotVoiTCas.rar
The Earliest Songbook in England - GotVoiTEar.rar
The Garden of Zephirus - GotVoiTGar.rar
The Marriage of Heaven & Hell - GotVoiTMar.rar
The Medieval Romantics - GotVoiTMed.rar
The Service of Venus & Mars - GotVoiTSer.rar
The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1 - GotVoiTSp1.rar
The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 2 - GotVoiTSp2.rar
The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 3 - GotVoiTSp3.rar
The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4 - GotVoiTSp4.rar
The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5 - GotVoiTSp5.rar
The Study of Love - GotVoiTStu.rar
The Unknown Lover - GotVoiTUnk.rar
The Voice in the Garden - GotVoiTVoi.rar
Gramophone Award Winners Collection - GotVoiGrAwWi.rar
(The last one is a commemorative box containing three previously released CDs: A Feather on the Breath of God, The Service of Venus and Mars & A Song for Francesca)
A comprehensive web page with cronological discography, contents, performers etc....
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