venerdì 23 luglio 2010

J.H.Roman - Solo Concertos

15 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 160Mb

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The "Father of Swedish Music," Johan Helmich Roman, was one of the most influential Swedish composers of his time, not only because of his numerous compositions, but also for his role in moving the music of the great composers from the royal court to public concerts in Stockholm. He was also influential in promoting the use of the Swedish language in sacred texts and in developing an indigenous tradition of vocal writing in secular and sacred music.


Violin Concerto F minor BeRI 52
Oboe Concerto B-flat major BeRI 46
Flute Concerto G major BeRI 54
Violin Concerto D minor BeRI 49
Oboe d'Amore Concerto D major BeRI 53

Elisabeth Wallfisch (violin)
Lisa Beznosiuk (flute)
Anthony Robson (oboe)
Orchester of the Age of Enlightenment
Anthony Halstead (conductor & Harpsichord)

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