mercoledì 23 giugno 2010

Camilla de Rossi - Il Sacrifizio di Abramo

28 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 113Mb

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Nothing is known of her life except that ‘Romana’ appears on the title-pages of her manuscripts, indicating Roman origin.
She wrote four oratorios for solo voices and orchestra, which were performed in the Vienna court chapel between 1707 and 1710. In style and form they are similar to the oratorios of
Alessandro Scarlatti. A cantata also survives.
Her first known work,
Santa Beatrice d’Este, was commissioned by Emperor Joseph I.
She often uses particular instruments for dramatic effect or characterization: trumpets represent the villainous warrior in
Santa Beatrice d’Este, the archlute represents the innocence of S.Alessio in Sant’Alessio, and chalumeaux(*), only a year after their first orchestral use in Vienna, represent the peaceful dream of Abramo in Il sacrifizio di Abramo.
According to the title-page of the manuscript, Rossi wrote the text as well as the music for I
l figliuol prodigo.

Angiolo, Sara, Susanne Ryden (Soprano)
Isacco, Ralf Popken (Alto)
Abramo, Jan Stromberg (Tenor)

dir. Manfred Cordes

(*)Accostatevi a queste pupille

Strali, fulmini

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