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Will we ever hear Feraspe, the last opera Vivaldi composed for Venice, in the autumn of 1739? Or the patriotic strains of the Adelaide he presented in Verona in 1735? Will we have the good fortune of discovering at last those 'Brno' violin concertos of whose existence we learn and whose incipits we may read in an inventory of 1752 but which, like the two operas mentioned, are today lost? Examination of the Ryom catalogue1 reveals so many losses amid the prolific output of the indefatigable Venetian that one catches oneself dreaming of all those buried treasures, hopelessly missing pieces from one of the most fascinating jigsaw puzzles in musical history. Fortunately, the most recent discoveries, some due to kindly chance, others to the tireless prospecting work of Vivaldian archaeologists, keep one's optimism alive. It must be said that the new millennium began under favourable auspices with the unearthing of the score of Motezuma in Kiev and the arias of La costanza trionfante in Gloucestershire, then a Dixit Dominus and a Nisi Dominus in Dresden, followed by the discovery of fragments of Argippo in Regensburg. And the pace has shown no signs of slowing down since then. Three years after the release of the CD New Discoveries, which enriched the Vivaldi Edition with an initial selection of miraculously recovered gems, the harvest is again abundant enough to nourish a second volume of Vivaldian revelations. And we may marvel anew at these jewels that have escaped from their long oblivion and have been unearthed for us all over Europe.
Concerto in re minore ‘Il Gran Mogol’ RV 431a
per flauto traversiere,archi e basso continuo
Aria ‘Son nel mar d’aspri tormenti’
da L’Inganno trionfante in Amore, RV 721, II.10
Aria ‘S’odo quel rio che mormora’
da L’Inganno trionfante in Amore, RV 721, II.2
Concerto in la maggiore RV 817
per violino principale, archi e basso continuo [Dresda]
Aria ‘Palpita il core, e freme’
da L’Inganno trionfante in Amore, RV 721, I.8
Aria ‘Langue il fior su l’arsa sponda’
da L’Inganno trionfante in Amore, RV 721, II.13
Sonata in re maggiore RV 816
per violino e basso continuo
Aria ‘Vaghe luci, luci belle’
da Ipermestra, RV 722, I.1
Sonata in do maggiore RV 815
per violino e basso continuo
Ann Hallenberg, soprano
Anton Steck, violino
Alexis Kossenko, flauto traversiere
Modo Antiquo
Federico Maria Sardelli, direttore
VIVTDP00 - Il Furioso
VIVTDP07 - Stabat Mater Concerti sacri Clarae Stellae, Scintillate
VIVTDP08 - Concerti da Camera
VIVTDP10 - Juditha Triumphans
VIVTDP11 - Concerti per Flauto Traversiere
VIVTDP12 - La Senna Festeggiante
VIVTDP13 - Concerti e Cantate da Camera I
VIVTDP14 - l Concerti di Dresda
VIVTDP15 - L'Olimpiade
VIVTDP16 - La Verità In Cimento
VIVTDP17 - Mottetti
VIVTDP18 - Vespri per l'Assunzione di Maria Vergine
VIVTDP19 - Sonate da Camera
VIVTDP20 - Concerti per Archi
VIVTDP21 - Orlando Finto Pazzo
VIVTDP22 - Concerti per Fagotto e Oboe
VIVTDP23 - Concerti e Cantate da Camera II
VIVTDP24 - Orlando Furioso
VIVTDP25 - Concerti per vari strumenti
VIVTDP26 - Concerti e Cantate da Camera III
VIVTDP27 - Arie d'Opera
VIVTDP28 - Tito Manlio
VIVTDP29 - Concerti per Violino I - "La Caccia"
VIVTDP30 - Arie Per Basso
VIVTDP31 - In Furore
VIVTDP32 - Griselda
VIVTDP33 - Musica per Mandolino e Liuto
VIVTDP34 - Concerti per Violoncello I
VIVTDP35 - Concerti per violino II - "Di Sfida"
VIVTDP36 - Atenaide
VIVTDP37 - Arie Ritrovate
VIVTDP38 - Concerti per violoncello II
VIVTDP39 - La Fida Ninfa
VIVTDP40 - Concerti per Violino III - "Il Ballo"
VIVTDP41 - Farnace
VIVTDP42 - Concerti per Oboe
VIVTDP43 - Gloria
VIVTDP44 - Armida al Campo d'Egitto
VIVTDP45 - Concerti per Fagotto I
VIVTDP46 - Ottone in Villa
VIVTDP47 - Arie per Tenore
VIVTDP48 - Concerti per Fagotto II
VIVTDP49 - Teuzzone
VIVTDP50 - Sonate da Camera a tre, opus 1
VIVTDP51 - Concerti per violino vol. IV "L'Imperatore"
VIVTDPND - New Discoveries
VIVTDPND2 - New Discoveries II
VivFolViv - La Folie
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