22 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 130Mb
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The Piae Cantiones (1582) is Finland’s one and only collection of early music and reflection of Europe’s medieval musical heritage. Zefiro Torna performs these beautiful carols, devote and student songs with 15th-16th century instruments and includes a children’s choir. The discrete but charming use of a kantele introduces a Finnish-ing touch to the sound.
The majority of the compositions belongs to the Germanic-Bohemian cantio tradition. There are also links to French, Spanish and Italian sources and to Flemish masters such as Jacob Obrecht. The religious songs — the majority being Christmas songs — are grouped together according to the liturgical year. The remaining songs deal with the transitory character of earthly life, the human condition, the life of schoolchildren, Biblical subjects and the rebirth of Nature in the spring.
Very few collections of music from the 16th century are so strongly anchored in contemporary musical life as the Piae Cantiones are in Finland today, becoming a fixed part of Finnish choral and religious music with the flowering of Finnish nationalism and romanticism in the early 20th century. Variants of these cantiones can be found in Finland’s religious folk music, whilst many composers have also made arrangements of the songs, including Jean Sibelius in his ‘Carminalia’.
“These 24 of the 74 songs from Piae Cantiones form not only a wonderful programme, permitting a variety of styles ranging from pure medieval to rustic and folksy but are also delightful performances….There are delicious and always aptly chosen instrumental contributions, including local colour from the Finnish kantele, and the children sing disarmingly with an ardent, earthly grace, like angelic urchins….”
The majority of the compositions belongs to the Germanic-Bohemian cantio tradition. There are also links to French, Spanish and Italian sources and to Flemish masters such as Jacob Obrecht. The religious songs — the majority being Christmas songs — are grouped together according to the liturgical year. The remaining songs deal with the transitory character of earthly life, the human condition, the life of schoolchildren, Biblical subjects and the rebirth of Nature in the spring.
Very few collections of music from the 16th century are so strongly anchored in contemporary musical life as the Piae Cantiones are in Finland today, becoming a fixed part of Finnish choral and religious music with the flowering of Finnish nationalism and romanticism in the early 20th century. Variants of these cantiones can be found in Finland’s religious folk music, whilst many composers have also made arrangements of the songs, including Jean Sibelius in his ‘Carminalia’.
“These 24 of the 74 songs from Piae Cantiones form not only a wonderful programme, permitting a variety of styles ranging from pure medieval to rustic and folksy but are also delightful performances….There are delicious and always aptly chosen instrumental contributions, including local colour from the Finnish kantele, and the children sing disarmingly with an ardent, earthly grace, like angelic urchins….”
De Nativitate [18:49]:
Angelus emittitur [1:23], Salve flos et décor [4:16], Verbum caro factum est [2:06], Congaudeat turba fidelium [1:52], Parvulus nobis nascitur [2:59], Personent hodie [1:30], Nobis est natus hodie [2:26], Paranymphus adiens [2:17]
De Passione [7:39]:
Iucundare iugiter [2:05], Aetas carmen melodiae [3:38], Aetas carmen melodiae [1:56]
De Fragilitate et Miseriis [9:29]:
Kurja, paha syntinen [4:44], Mars praecurrit in planetis [1:43]; Cum sit omnis caro foenum [3:02]
De Vita Scholastica [12:11]:
Scholares convenite [3:35], Zachaeus arboris [1:35], O Scholares discite [4:37], Sum in aliena provincia [2:24]
De Tempore Vernali [9:52]:
Ad perennis vitae fontem [2:15]; In vernali tempore [2:42]; Tempus adest floridum [1:40]; Kaikki maailma riemuitkohon [3:15]
Antwerp Cathedral Choir
Zefiro Torna
A review
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