18 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 94 Mb
DepositFiles - FileFactory
Robert Jones: Whither runneth my sweetheart
William Corkine: Fly swift my thoughts
William Corkine: We yet agree
John Dowland: Sorrow stay Die not, before the day
John Dowland: Mourn, day is with darkness fled
Robert Johnson: As I walked forth
Robert Johnson: Tis late and cold
Robert Johnson: Charon, O Charon
William Lawes: Come, my Daphne, come away (Strephon & Daphne)
William Lawes: Vulcan, O Vulcan, my love (Venus & Vulcan)
Enrivo Radesca Di Foggia: Non miri il mio bel sole
Jacopo Peri: Al fonte, al prato
Andrea Falconieri: Perchè piangi, pastore
Sigismondo D'India: Che farai, Meliseo Qual fiera si fidel
Alessandro Grandi: Surge propera amica mia
Sigismondo D'India: Odi quel rosignuolo
Giovanni Rovetta: Uccidetemi pur, bella tiranna
Tarquinio Merula: No, ch'io non mi fido
Emma Kirkby, soprano
David Thomas, bass
Anthony Rooley, lute
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