sabato 25 febbraio 2012

Graun - Concerti

12 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 98Mb

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Concerto in A for viola da gamba, strings & BC
Concerto in D for oboe d'amore, strings & BC
Concerto in E for flute, strings & BC
Concerto in G for flute, violin, strings & BC

Il Gardellino

Because they never signed their works clearly it is difficult, if not impossible, to attribute many of their concerts to either of the Graun brothers.
J.G. Pisendel, a Graun contemporary mentions in a letter to Telemann the "confusion", due to the fact that most works are simply signed "Graun". No matter who actually is the composer, the music is great, and Il Gardellino's interpretation is superb.


The following tracks belongs to other CDs I don't own.

Johann Gottlieb Graun

Trio Sonata in G Wendt 84
Les Amis de Philippe

Trio a due viole da gamba e basso (Sol majeur)
Christophe Coin - Vittorio Ghielmi
Ensemble Baroque de Limoges


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