mercoledì 31 ottobre 2012

Follie All'Italiana

13 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 87Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

A.Vivaldi (1678 1741) Follia
Sonate a tre op.I Venezia 1705
A.Corelli (1653 – 1713) Ciacona
Sonate da camera op.II, Roma 1685
A.Falconiero (1586 – 1656) Folia, Passacalle, Ciaccona
Il primo libro di canzone…Napoli 1650
B.Storace (16??-16??) Partite sopra la Folia
Selva di varie compositioni..Venezia 1664
G.A.Pandolfi ( 16?? - 16??) Passacaglio
Sonate cioè Balletti,Sarabande…Roma 1669
M.Cazzati (1620 – 1677) Capriccio sopra 7 note
Correnti balletti gagliarde...Venezia 1659
F.Corbetta (1615 – 1681) Folia
La guitarre royalle.. Paris 1671
G.B.Vitali (1632 – 1692) Passagallo Primo, Ciaccona
Varie partite del Passamezzo
op.VII, Modena 1682
A.Caldara (1670c – 1736) Chiacona
Suonate da camera op.II, Venezia 1699
G.Reali (1681c – 1751) Folia
Suonate e Capricci op.I, Venezia 1709

I Sonatori De La Gioiosa Marca
Giorgio Fava violino
Roberto Falcone violino
Walter Vestidello violoncello
Giancarlo Rado arciliuto & chitarra
Gianpietro Rosato cembalo, spinetta & organo

martedì 30 ottobre 2012

Il Liuto di Caravaggio

29 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 91Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory
back cover

Lute: Diego Cantalupi


01 - Joanmaria da Crema - Recercare VIII
02 - Joanmaria da Crema - Recercare IX
03 - Joanmaria da Crema - Mais quest ce
04 - Francesco da Milano - Ricercare
05 - Joanmaria da Crema - Saltarello alla bolognesa
06 - Joanmaria da Crema - Recercare II
07 - Joanmaria da Crema - Lassar il velo (Francesco de Layolle)
08 - Anonimo (sec. XVI) - Recercare (Siena Lute Book)
09 - Vincenzo Galilei - Recercare V
10 - Pietro Paolo Borrono - Pavana detta 'la malcontenta'
11 - Francesco da Milano - Toccata
12 - Joanmaria da Crema - O felici occhi miei (Jacques Arcadelt)
13 - Francesco da Milano - Fantasia
14 - Fabrizio Caroso - Se pensand' al partire
15 - Simone Molinaro - Fantasia I
16 - Laurencini - Praeambolum
17 - Anonimo (sec. XVII) - Cassandra
18 - Anonimo (sec. XVII) - Vestiva i colli (Pierluigi da Palestrina)
19 - Anonimo (sec. XVII) - Brandle corrente
20 - Laurencini - Fantasia
21 - V. S (sec. XVII) - Praeludium VIII
22 - Laurencini - Fantasia
23 - Laurencini - Courante XII
24 - Laurencini - Fantasia
25 - Pietro Paolo Raimondi - Baletto
26 - Girolamo Kapsberger - Corrente V
27 - Girolamo Kapsberger - Toccata III
28 - Girolamo Kapsberger - Gagliarda II
29 - Girolamo Kapsberger - Toccata VI

lunedì 29 ottobre 2012

Italian Intermezzi - Sarri, Gasparini, Bononcini

26 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps -RAR 91Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory


DepositFiles - FileFactory

The 18th century Italian comic intermezzo, originally inserted between the acts of serious operas, won enormous contemporary popularity. The present release includes an example of the form from the now largely neglected Neapolitan composer Domenico Sarri in which lovers quarrel and are re-united. Mirena e Floro was the work of two composers, Handel’s London rival Bononcini, and Gasparini, one of the leading Italian opera composers of the day. The plot again concerns the quarrels and reconciliation of lovers, who use various tricks and disguises to achieve their ends.


Domenico Sarri (1679–1744)
Moschetta e Grullo: Intermezzo I
Moschetta e Grullo: Intermezzo II

Francesco Gasparini (1661–1727)
Mirena e Floro o La Nana francese e Armena: Intermezzo I

Giovanni Bononcini (1670–1747)
Mirena e Floro o La Nana francese e Armena: Intermezzo II

Francesco Gasparini (1661–1727)
Mirena e Floro o La Nana francese e Armena: Intermezzo III

Kathleen Van de Graaff, soprano
Peter Van de Graaff, baritone
The Comic Intermezzo Orchestra

domenica 28 ottobre 2012

Posaunen zwo und auch zwen Zinken

20 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 66Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

01-Antonius Stringarius Patavus: Nui siamo Segatori
02-Heinrich Isaac: La, la, hö, hö
03-Anonymus: Canto delle Palle
04-Anonymus: Canto per Scriptores
05-Giovane da Nola: O belle fusa
06-Anonymus: Ha Lucia
07-Costanzo Festa: Florentia, tempus est penitentiae
08-Jacob Arcadelt: Corona aurea
09-Jacobus de Brouck: Laere dies
10-Orlando di Lasso: In me transierunt
11-Orlando di Lasso: Multarum hic resonat
12-Caspar Othmayr: D.Martini Lutheri Symbolum
13-Orlando di Lasso: Da pacem
14-Cristobal de Morales: Missus est gabriel
15-Jakobus Gallus: Haec est dies
16-Johann Walter: Fuga septimi toni
17-Martin Agricola: Kanon über "Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht"
18-Orlando di Lasso: Bicinium
19-Annibale Padovano: Ricercar
20-Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzone septimi toni

Ensemble Musica Antiqua Wien - Dir.: Bernhard Klebel
Josquin-Ensemble Wien - Dir.: Michael Mayr

sabato 27 ottobre 2012

Atrium Musicae de Madrid - La Spagna

32 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 103Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

1. Spagna Contrapunto - Francesco Canova da Milano (1497-1543)
2. Spagnoletta - Michael Praetorius (1571-1621)
3. Danza Alta, Sobre"La Spagna" - Francisco de la Torre (fl 1483-1504)
4. Historia Bætica - Carlos Verardi (dates unknown)
5. Calata a la Spagnola I, II, III & IV - Joan Ambrosio Dalza (early 16th c.)
6. Spaniol Kochesberger - Hans Kotter (c.1485-1541)
7. Spaniol Tancz - Hans von Constanz (1483-1538)
8. Old Spagnoleta - Giles Farnaby (1560-1620)
9. Spagnioletta - Giles Farnaby
10. Triste España - Juan dell Encina (c1468- c1530)
11. Ré Di Spagna - Anonymous (15th c.)
12. Bassa Castiglya/Falla con Misuras - M. Gulielmus (15th c.)
13. Spagna I & II - Anonymous (15th c.)
14. Olvida Tu Perdiçion España - Anonymous (15th c.)
15. Spagniöler Tancz/Hopper Dancz - Hans Weck (c1495-1536)
16. Spanieler - Hans Kotter
17. Espagnoletta - Anonymous (17th c.)
18. Spagnoletto/Villanicco Di Spagna/Pavaniglia Di Spagna/Spagnoletto da Capo - Cesare Negri (c1535-c1604)
19. Spagna a 5 - Josquin Desprez (c1440-1521)
20. Six Recercadi Sobre Canto Llano la Spagna - Diego Ortiz Toledano (c1519-c1570)
21. Gagliarda Quarta a 5 Alla Spagnola - Giovanni Maria Trabaci (1575-1647)
22. Spaynard - Anonymous (17th c.)
23. Spanish Pavane - Francis Pilkington (c1565-1638)
24. Triste España - Juan dell Encina
25. Espagnoletta - Gaspar Sanz (c1645-c1715)
26. Ricercar Spagnuola"Duna Cossa Spagnola" - Francesco Canova da Milano
27. Ain Spaniyelischer Hoff Dantz - Hans Judenkonig (1445-1526)
28. Tres Sobre el Canto Llano de la Alta [Sobre la Spagna] - Antonio Cabezon (1510-1566)
29. Triste España - Juan dell Encina
30. Spagnoletta Nuova Al Modo Di Madriglia - Marco Fabritio Caroso (c1527-c1605)
31. Furioso Alla Spagnuola - Marco Fabritio Caroso
32. Padvana Hispanica - Anonymous (16th c.)

Music of the Crusades - Songs of Love and War

19 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 94 Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

This CD (a reissue of an LP dating from the 1970s) brings the Crusades and its people to life. There are recruiting songs, songs of loss and longing, songs of dedication. There is a beautiful song full of reverent wonder at the experience of being in the Holy Land. And there is the song purportedly written by Richard the Lionhearted while imprisoned. (Amazon review)


1. La Quinte estampie real
2. Pax in nomine domini!
3. Parti de mal
4. Chevalier, mult estes
5. Chanterai por mon corage
6. Danse real
7. Sade Syon, in pulvere
8. Palästinalied
9. Condicio - O Nacio - Mane Prima
10. O tocius Asie
11. La uitime estampie real
12. Cum sint difficilia
13. Li noviaus tens
14. Fortz chausa es que tot lo major dan
15. Je ne Puis - Amors me tienent - Veritatem
16. Ahi! Amours
17. La Tierche estampie real
18. Ja nus hons pris
19. Au tens plain de felonnie

Early Music Consort of London
dir. David Munrow


venerdì 26 ottobre 2012

Kees Boeke - Monodia

7 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - 2 RAR file (60Mb+48Mb)

 DepositFiles - FileFactory

1. Tractus - Anon., c.800/900: Qui Habitat (Psalm XC)
2. Sequens - Thomas Aquinas / Anon. c.1100: Lauda Sion
3. Leich - Frauenlob: Der Mynnekliche Leych
4. Saltarello - Anon., c.1380: Saltarello
5. Lay - Machaut: Le lay de l'Ymage
6. Ballata - Gherardello: Io vo amando;
Lorenzo Masini: Non vedi tu, amore;
Masini: Non perch'i' spiri;
Masini: Donne, e fu credenza;
7. Istampitta - Anon., c.1380: Belicha

Kees Boeke
(medieval tenor recorder, cylindrical tenor flute, contralto recorder, soprano recorder, tenor vielle)

mercoledì 24 ottobre 2012

Giovanni Battista Fontana - 12 Sonate (Clemencic Consort)

12 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 98Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

12 sonate a 1. 2. 3 per il violino o cornetto, fagotto, chitarrone,
violoncino o simile altro istromento(1641).

Sonata Nona (cornetto, fagotto, clavicembalo) 5:16
Sonata Sesta (violino, clavicembalo) 7:09
Sonata Ottava (2 violini, violoncino, clavicembalo) 5:51
Sonata Seconda (flauto, clavicembalo) 6:31
Sonata Quartadecima (violino, cornetto, fagotto, clavicembalo) 5:46
Sonata Quarta (cornetto, violoncino, chitarrone) 5:29
Sonata Decima (violino, fagotto, clavicembalo) 5:57
Sonata Terza (flauto, clavicembalo) 4:43
Sonata Prima (cornetto, fagotto, clavicembalo) 3:27
Sonata Sestadecima (flauto, 2 violini, violoncino, clavicembalo) 4:48
Sonata Quinta (violino, violoncino, chitarrone) 5:03
Sonata Undecima(2 violini, violoncino, clavicembalo) 3:25

Clemencic Consort
dir. René Clemencic

P.A.Cesti - Cantate

7 tracks - MP3 VBR - RAR 97 Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

Antonio Cesti was an important composer of the seventeenth century Italian Baroque, particularly in the field of opera. Born Pietro Cesti, he adopted the name Antonio when he joined the Franciscan order. He had already been a choir boy in Arezzo. Although details of his musical training are uncertain, it seems likely he studied with Abbatini, and possibly with Carissimi and Luigi Rossi. He joined the Franciscans in Volterra in 1637, was elected organist of the Cathedral there in 1643, and in 1645 was confirmed as master of music of the Volterra seminary and of the Cathedral.  (continue)


 1. Pria ch'adori
2. Amanti, io vi disfido
3. Lacrime mie
4. Mia tiranna
5. Orontea: Sinfonia avanti il prologo
6. Orontea: Atto I Sc. 11
7. Orontea: Atto II Sc. 1

Concerto Vocale

Judith Nelson (soprano)
René Jacobs (counter-tenor)
William Christie (harpsichord)
Konrad Junghänel (lute)
Jaap Ter Linden (violoncello)
dir. René Jacobs

martedì 23 ottobre 2012

Carceres - Villancicos & Ensaladas

11 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 101 Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory


1. B. Ramos de Pareja
Canon perpetum Mundus et Musica et totus concentus (instr.)

2. Anon.
Villancico Si us voleu ben despertar

3. Anon.
Villancico Ay luna que reluzes

4. Luys Milán
Pavana (instr.)
Gallarda (instr.)

5. Bartomeu Càrceres
Villancico Soleta i verge estich

6. Anon.Luys de Narvaez
Conque la lavaré
Conque la lavaré (variations by Luys de Narvaez)

7. Anon.
Danza alta (instr.)

8. Bartomeu Càrceres
Villancico Falalalanlera

9. Anon.
Villancico No la devemos dormir

10. Luys Milàn
Fantasia VIII

11. Bartomeu Càrceres
Ensalada a 4 La Trulla

Cancionero de Uppsala and works based on them

La Capella Reial de Catalunya
Montserrat Figueras (soprano), Maite Arruabarrena (soprano), Isabel Alvarez (soprano), Luiz Alves Da Silva (counter-tenor), Paolo Costa (counter-tenor), Josep Maria Gregori (counter- tenor), Jean Yves Guerry (counter-tenor), Francesc Garrigosa (tenor), Lambert Climent (tenor), Pedro Ormazabal (tenor), Josep Cabré (baritone), Jordi Ricart (baritone), Daniele Carnovich (bass), Jordi Savall (treble viol), Eunice Brandão (alto viol), Sergi Casademunt (tenor viol), Pedro Pandolfo (bass viol), Lorenz Duftschmid (violone), Rolf Lislevand (guitar, vihuela), Jean-Pierre Canihac (cornet), Alfredo Bernardini (shawm), Daniel Lassalle (sackbut), Josep Borras (bassoon), Pedro Estevan (percussion)
Jordi Savall, dir.

G.F.Handel - Water Music, Fireworks...

2 CD - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 228 Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

This is a fine Handel compilation that provides a nice overview of his orchestral music with brass instruments, as well as his only incidental score (music written to accompany the action of a play). Christopher Hogwood uses the arrangement that Handel made of the Fireworks Music for normal-sized forces, including strings, which were absent from the original. All the music is played with a fine sense of style, and a goodly bit of the "pomp and circumstance" that Handel above all others knew how to capture in music. --David Hurwitz


CD 1

Water Music Suite No.1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348
Water Music Suite No.3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350
Water Music Suite No.2 for orchestra in D major, HWV 349
Alchemist, incidental music, HWV 43

CD 2

Music for the Royal Fireworks, for orchestra, HWV 351
Concerto a due cori No.1 in B flat major, HWV 332
Concerto a due cori No.2 in F major, HWV 333
Concerto a due cori No.2 in F major, HWV 333
Aria No 1 for wind ensemble in F major, HWV 410
Aria No 2 for wind ensemble in F major, HWV 411 

The Academy of Ancient Music
dir. Christopher Hogwood

lunedì 22 ottobre 2012

Roman de Fauvel

42 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 69Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

Written by several authors between 1310 and 1316, the Roman de Fauvel is a virulent pamphlet against the corruption that reigned at the royal court of France, and at the Papal court in Avignon. But the story of the donkey Fauvel is also a fascinating manifesto concerning music and literature at the dawn of the fourteenth century. All the main genres current at the time are to be found in it, mixed together in a most appealing way. There are gregorian chants, and complex motets of the Ars Nova, not to mention courtly love songs, and scatological street cries.

Corelli - Concerti Grossi Op.6

2 CD - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 225 Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

Immensely popular during his time and maintaining their appeal today, Corelli's 12 Concerti Grossi, Op. 6, are among the gold standard for the form. They are divided into two sections, one being six concerti da camera and the other being six concerti da chiesa. The informatively written liner notes for this Harmonia Mundi album describe the potentially immense orchestra (for the time) that Corelli may have employed for his performances; this recording, however, uses more modest numbers, taking into account the different needs for the "da Camera" and "da Chiesa" concerti. French-based Ensemble 415 (which takes its name from a common Baroque tuning frequency) is led by its founder, violinist Chiara Banchini. All of the planning and research that went into discovering the right number of musicians and the proportions between them pays off in this richly colorful, masterfully balanced performance. The double basses (five for chiesa, two for camera) provide a deep, powerful foundation upon which the rest of the strings, archlutes, and harpsichords weave a diverse blend of tone colors, textures, and dynamic layers. The precise, energetic playing by the concertino offers a nicely contrasting but not underpowered counterpoint to the more powerful full orchestra. Intonation, ornamentation, brilliantly divergent tempos, and articulation are all well thought out throughout the two-disc set. Harmonia Mundi's sound is detailed, warm, and crystal clear.



CD 1

Concerto da chiesa No. 1 in D major
Concerto da chiesa No. 2 in F major
Concerto da camera No. 9 in F major
Concerto da chiesa No. 3 in C minor
Concerto da camera No. 10 in C major
Concerto da chiesa No. 4 in D major

CD 2

Concerto da chiesa No. 5 in B flat major
Concerto da camera No. 11 in B flat major
Concerto da chiesa No. 6 in F major
Concerto da camera No. 12 in F major
Concerto da chiesa No. 7 in D major
Concerto da chiesa No. 8 in G minor

Ensemble 415
dir. Chiara Banchini

sabato 20 ottobre 2012

L'Europe Réunie

21 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 128Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory


Telemann: Wasser-Ouvertüre - Hamburger Ebb und Fluth, TWV 55:C3
Vivaldi: Concerto for 2 violins, 2 recorders, 2 oboes, bassoon & strings, RV 566
J.S.Bach: Concerto for harpsichord, 2 recorders, 2 violins, viola & b.c., BWV 1057
Van Wassenaer: Concerto armonico No. 5
Rebel: Fantaisie

Collegium Musicum Den Haag
dir. Claudio Ribeiro

venerdì 19 ottobre 2012

Claudio Monteverdi e Sigismondo D'India - Olympia's Lament

11 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 65Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
1. Quel sguardo sdegnosetto
2. Ohime ch'io cado
3. Lamento d'Olimpia
4. Voglio di vita uscir
5. Maladetto sia l'aspetto

Sigismondo d'India (1580?-1629)
6. Diana (Questo dardo, quest'arco)
7. Amico, hai vint'io
8. Piangono al pianger mio
9. Lamento d'Olimpia
10. Torna il sereno zefiro
11. Sfere fermate

Emma Kirkby - Soprano
Anthony Rooley - Chitarrone

giovedì 18 ottobre 2012

Giovanni e Andrea Gabrieli, Giuseppe Guami - Canzoni da Sonare

17 Tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 80Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

1. Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon 1. toni à 10 (1597; tutti, harpsichord)
2. Giuseppe Guami: Canzon La Cromatica à 4 (1601; 4 viols)
3. G. Gabrieli: Canzon I La Spiritata à 4 (1608; 2 cornets, 2 sackbuts, organ)
4. Andrea Gabrieli: Canzon sopra Qui la dira (harpsichord)
5. G. Gabrieli: Canzon III à 6 (1615; 6 viols, lute)
6. Guami: Canzon XXIV à 8 (1608; 4 viols, lute, 2 cornets, 2 sackbuts, harpsichord, violone)
7. G. Gabrieli: Canzon I à 5 (1615; 2 cornets, 3 sackbuts)
8. Guami: Canzon sopra La Battaglia à 4 (1601; 4 viols, guitar)
9. G. Gabrieli: Canzon 12. toni à 10 (1597; tutti, harpsichord)
10. G. Gabrieli: Canzon II à 4 (1608; 4 viols, organ)
11. Guami: Canzon La Guamina à 4 (1601; 2 cornets, 2 sackbuts, organ)
12. G. Gabrieli: Canzon VII à 7 (1615; 2 cornets, 3 viols, 2 sackbuts, violone, harpsichord)
13. Guami: Canzon La Accorta à 4 (1601; cornet, 3 viols, organ)
14. G. Gabrieli: Canzon XXVII à 8 (1608; 2 cornets, 4 viols, 2 sackbuts, violone, harpsichord)
15. G. Gabrieli: Ricerxar sopra Re fa mi don à 4 (4 viols)
16. Guami: Canzon XXV à 8 (1608; 2 cornets, 2 sackbuts, harpsichord, 4 viols, lute, violone)
17. G. Gabrieli: Canzon 12. toni à 10 (1597; tutti, harpsichord)

Hespèrion XX [Jordi Savall (treble viola da gamba), Christophe Coin (treble viola da gamba, alto viola da gamba), Sergi Casademunt (bass viola da gamba), Masako Hirao (tenor viola da gamba), Roberto Gini (bass viola da gamba), Pere Ross (bass viola da gamba, violone), Bruce Dickey (cornett), Jean-Pierre Canihac (cornett), Jean-Pierre Mathieu (alto trombone, tenor trombone), Charles Toet (tenor trombone), Richard Lister (bass trombone), Hopkinson Smith (lute, guitar, theorbo), Ton Koopman (harpsichord, organ)]
Jordi Savall, dir.

mercoledì 17 ottobre 2012

J.S.Bach - Sacred Masterpieces

10 CD - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 1,07 Gb

Christmas Oratorium
DepositFiles - FileFactory

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Mass in B Minor
DepositFiles - FileFactory

St. John Passion
DepositFiles - FileFactory

St. Matthew Passion
DepositFiles - FileFactory

 DepositFiles - FileFactory

Ursula Buckel
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Gundula Janowitz
Evelyn Lear
Christa Ludwig
Ernst Haefliger
Keith Engen
Franz Crass
Hermann Prey
Ernst Haefliger
Marga Höffgen
Maria Stader
Hertha Töpper
Ernst-Gerold Schramm
Fritz Wunderlich

Münchener Bach-Chor
Münchener Bach--Orchester
dir. Karl Richter


martedì 16 ottobre 2012

Music from the Time of Christian IV

Church Music at Court & in Town

15 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 78Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

Mogens Pederson (circa 1583 - 1623)
1. Pratum spirituale: Mass for 5 Voices

Thomas Schattenberg (circa 1580 - 1622)
2. Jubilus St Bernhardi: Jesu tua dilectio
3. Jubilus St Bernhardi: O Jesu mi dulcissime
4. Jubilus St Bernhardi: Amor Jesu dulcissimus
5. Jubilus St Bernhardi: Jesu decus Angelicum

Vincentius Bertholusius (circa 1530 - 1570)
6. Sacrae Cantiones, Book 1: Ego flos campi

Thomas Mancinus (1550 - circa 1611)
7. Psalm 128

8. Mass

Hilliard Ensemble, Paul Hillier


Songs and Harpsichord Music

18 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 103Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory


Soren Terkelsen - Hylas vill intet giffte sig (Hylas does not want to get married)
Soren Terkelsen - Daphnissis bekymrede Kiærligheds Tancker (Daphnis' worried thoughts of love)
Soren Terkelsen - Coridons Klage-Vise (Coridon's lement)
Soren Terkelsen - Myrtillo Klage-Vise (Myrtillo's lement)
Gabriel Voigtlander - Als er guten Bescheid von seiner Damen empfangen
Gabriel Voigtlander - Ein Sommerliedlein
John Dowland - I saw my Lady weepe
John Dowland - A shepherd in a shade
John Dowland - Flow my tears (Lachrime)
John Dowland - Cleare and Cloudie sweet as Aprill showring
John Dowland - Sorrow sorrow stay, lend true repentant teares
Melchior Schildt - Paduana Lachrymae
Heinrich Scheidemann - Englische Mascarada oder Judentanz
Melchior Schildt - Gleichwie das Feuer
Soren Terkelsen - Daphnis beder sin Galathee... (Daphnis begs his Galathee...)
Soren Terkelsen - Jt trofast Hierte gaar for Alting (To know a faithful heart)
Soren Terkelsen - Dend hojestbedroffuede Daffnissis Hiertesorgelige Klage-Vise (The very sorrowful Dafnis's heartrending lament)
Soren Terkelsen - En Dricke-Vise (A Drinking Song)

Jakob Lindberg - Rogers Covey-Crump
Ulrik Cold - Lars Ulrik Mortensen


Instrumental Ensemble & Lute Music

18 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 103Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory


Alessandro Orologio - Intrada
Alessandro Orologio - Intrada for 5 voices No. 5
Melchior Borchgrevinck - Paduana
Melchior Borchgrevinck - Galliard
Nicolas Gistou - Paduana
Nicolas Gistou - Galliard
Benedict Greebe - Paduana
Benedict Greebe - Galliard
Jacob Ørn - Pavana
Gregorio Huet - Fantasia No 5 for lute
Anonymous - Norwegian Graffen von Mannsfeldt
Anonymous - Polnische Tänze
Anonymous - Polnische Tänze
Anonymous - Ciel turchino Gagliardo
Anonymous - Norwegian Passamezzo, Saltarello
John Dowland - Preludium, for lute, P 98
John Dowland - A Fantasie
John Dowland - Mr Dowland's Midnight, almain for lute, P 99
John Dowland - The King of Denmark, his Galliard, for lute, P 40
William - Brade Paduana
William - Brade Galliarde
Thomas - Simpson Pasameza
Johann - Schop Pavane Lachrimae
Jacques - Foucart Courente I
Jacques - Foucart Courente II
Jacques - Foucart Courente III
Alessandro - Orologio Intrada for 5 voices No. 1
Alessandro - Orologio Intrada

Dowland Consort
Royal Danish Brass
Jakob Lindberg


The Madrigal from the South to the North

23 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 90Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory


1 Tu fuggi e col fuggire, madrigal (Book 2) - Mogens Pedersøn
2 Lasso io prima morire, madrigal (Book 2) - Mogens Pedersøn
3 Udite, amanti, udite, madrigal (Book 2) - Mogens Pedersøn
4 Non garir, Augellino (prima parte), madrigal (Book 2) - Mogens Pedersøn
5 Importun Augellino (seconda parte), madrigal (Book 2) - Mogens Pedersøn
6 S'ancor tu amante sei (terza parte), madrigal (Book 2) - Mogens Pedersøn
7 Son morta, madrigal (Book 2) - Mogens Pedersøn
8 La mia cruda Brunetta, madrigal (Book 2) - Mogens Pedersøn
9 Ardo, sospiro e piango, madrigal (Book 2) - Mogens Pedersøn
10 Lasso, perche mi fuggi, madrigal (Book 2) - Mogens Pedersøn
In nobil sangue, vita humile e queta, madrigal for 6 voices
11 Prima parte Andrea Gabrieli
12 Amor s'è in lei, madrigal for 6 voices - Giovanni Gabrieli
13 T'amo mia vita, madrigal for 3 women's voices & continuo - Luzzasco Luzzaschi
14 T'amo, mia vita, madrigal - Hans Nielsen (aka Giovanni Fonteio)
15 T'amo, mia vita, madrigal - Mogens Pedersøn
16 T'Amo Mia Vita, madrigal for 1 to 3 voices - Richard Dering
17 Baci Amorosi E Cari for vocal ensemble - Melchior Borchgrevinck
18 Crudel, lascia sto core, madrigal - Truid Ågesen
19 Quel Augellin che canta, madrigal - Nicolas Gistou
20 Ma Ben Arde Nel Core for 5 voices - Nicolas Gistou
21 Io ardo in vivo foco, madrigal (Book 1) - Hans Brachrogge
22 Tiridola, non dormire, serenata for 6 voices - Orazio Vecchi
23 Sai ch'io ti dico (seconda parte), madrigal - Orazio Vecchi

Emma Kikby, Anthony Rooley
The Consort of Musicke

lunedì 15 ottobre 2012

Fricassee Parisienne - Chansons de la Renaissance Francaise

24 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 78Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

  1. Janequin: Qu'est ce d'amour?
  2. De Maire: Une bergère un jour
  3. Sermisy: Tant que vivray
  4. Sermisy: Le content est riche
  5. Passereau: Il est bel et bon
  6. Morlaye: Gaillarde for the lute
  7. Crecquillon: Un gay berger
  8. Crecquillon: Petite fleur coincte et jolye
  9. Clereau: Comment au départir
  10. Morlaye: Fantasy for the lute #10
  11. Janequin: En m'en venant de veoir
  12. Crespel: Fricassée
  13. Costeley: La prise de Calay - Hardis Françoys
  14. Sandrin: Doulce mémoire
  15. Certon: Fini le bien (réponse de "Doulce mémoire")
  16. Costeley: Elle craint l'esperon
  17. Anonyme (Attaignant): Fricassée
  18. Gentian: Dieu qui conduictz - Echo
  19. Gentian: Je suis Robert
  20. De Rippe: D'amours me plains
  21. Delafont: A ce matin
  22. Sermisy: Las je m'y plains
  23. Janequin: Ung jour Robin
  24. Ninot le Petit: Mon amy m'avoit promis

Ensemble Clément Janequin
Dominique Visse (countertenor), Michel Laplénie (tenor), Philippe Cantor (baritone), Antoine Sicot (bass), Claude Debôves (lute)

domenica 14 ottobre 2012

Campra - Gli Strali d'Amore

 12 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 124Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

 André Campra, a major figure in the world of French opera between Lully and Rameau, was clearly not very impressed by the former’s discouragement of Italian musical practices inside France when he was elevated to the post of surintendant de la musique du roi. In many of Campra’s French opéras-ballets and comédies-lyriques written by him as the 18th century was emerging out of the 17th (the period of the summit and the waning of the reign of Louis XIV) are to be found interpolated many dashing arias with texts in Italian (Campra’s father was Italian-born like Lully padre e figlio) and from some of these Fabio Bonizzoni and Angela Romagnoli have chosen and concocted Gli strali d’Amore (Love’s Arrows), thereby, curiously, following in the footsteps of Campra himself – who was a dab hand at this activity himself, as demonstrated by his own Les Fragments de Mr. De Lully.

Italian arias by André Campra
Recitatives by Angela Romagnoli (text) and Fabio Bonizzoni (music)
Interludes by Louis-Nicolas Clérambault

Louis-Nicolas Clérambault (1676-1749)
01 Sonata II in G major, La Félicité (C.52)

Lentement - Allegro

André Campra (1660-1744)
02 Recitativo (Lelio): Ah, che d’amor la gioia
03 a 2 (Lelio, Il Dottore): D’un geloso core - Recitativo (Il Dottore): D’amorosi mirti
04 Aria (Lelio): Amanti godete
05 Recitativo (Leonora): Alle vaghe lusinghe
06 Aria (Leonora): All’incanto d’un bel riso
07 Recitativo (Lelio): Adorata Leonora

Louis-Nicolas Clérambault
08 Sonata II in G major, La Félicité (C.52)

Allegro - [Gavotte] - [Gigue] - Lent

André Campra
09 Recitativo (Leonora): Come, come dar fede
10 Aria (Leonora): La farfalla intorno ai fiori
11 Recitativo (Lelio): Idolo mio, t’arresta
12 Aria (Leonora): Pargoletti faretrati
13 Recitativo (Lelio): Idolo mio, già l’alma
14 a 2 (Lelio, Il Dottore): Vezzosette care pupillete
15 Recitativo (Leonora): Non rispondere, Amore
16 Aria (Leonora): Vuo’ vendetta
17 Recitativo (Leonora): Ma, Leonora, che pensi?
18 Aria (Leonora): Lungi da me martiri
19 Recitativo (Leonora): Ma ecco, che la quiete
20 a 2 (Il Dottore, Lelio): Luci belle
21 Recitativo (Leonora): Ecco che già il riposo
22 Aria (Leonora): Amor diletto
23 Recitativo (Il Dottore): La mia amata Leonora
24 a 2 (Il Dottore, Leonora): Bell’idolo d’amore
25 Recitativo (Leonora): Molesto mi è Il Dottore
26 Aria (Leonora): Amor te’l giuro affé

Louis-Nicolas Clérambault
27 Sonata V in D major, Chaconne (C.55), for violin and basso continuo

André Campra
28 Recitativo (Leonora): L’unico ben
29 Aria (Leonora): Non si puo’ vede
30 Aria (Leonora): Si scherzi si rida
31 Recitativo (Lelio): Se l’amata Leonora
32 Aria (Leonora): Ch’io viva senza te
33 Contre-danse
34 a 3 (Leonora, Il Dottore, Lelio): Tutti lieti festeggiate

Roberta Invernizzi, dessus [Leonora]
Cyril Auvity, haute-contre [Lelio]
Salvo Vitale, basse [Il Dottore]

La Risonanza
Ana Liz Ojeda, violin
Claudia Combs, violin
Caterina Dell’Agnello, basse de violon
Gabriele Palomba, theorbo
Fabio Bonizzoni, harpsichord & direction

sabato 13 ottobre 2012

J.H.Schein - Banchetto Musicale

12 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 77 Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

Banchetto musicale No. 16, Suite a 5 in A minor
Venus Kräntzlein No. 23, Canzon a 5 in A minor
Venus Kräntzlein No. 17, Intrada a 5
Venus Kräntzlein No. 22, Galliarda a 5 in D minor
Banchetto musicale No. 2, Suite a 5 in D minor
Venus Kräntzlein No. 20, Intrada à 5 in G
Banchetto musicale No.6, Suite a 5 in A minor
Banchetto musicale No. 20, Suite a 5 in E minor
Banchetto musicale No. 26, Canzon a 5 in A minor: "Corollarium"

Hespèrion XX
dir. Jordi Savall

venerdì 12 ottobre 2012

Anthoine de Bernard - Amours de Ronsard

18 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 70Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

1. Ha Seigneur Dieu, que de graces écloses
2. Dans le serain de sa jumelle flamme
3. Nature ornant la dame
4. Pavane et Gaillarde "La Milanoise" (Morlaye)
5. Ces deux yeux bruns doux flambeaux de ma vie
6. Je parangonne au Soleil que j'adore
7. Gaillarde "La piémontoise" (Morlaye)
8. Oeil qui mes pleurs de tes rayons essuye
9. Amour archer d'une tirade ront
10. Mon Dieu, mon Dieu que ma maistresse est belle
11. Amour, Amour, donne moy paix ou treve
12. Gaillarde (Morlaye)
13. Je vy ma nymphe entre cent damoiselles
14. Tout me desplaist, mais rien ne m'est si grief
15. Pavane et Gaillarde "La Romanesque" (Morlaye)
16. Avecques moy pleurer vous devriez bien
17. Certes mon oeil fut trop avantureux
18. Ce ris plus dous que l'oeuvre d'un abeille

Ensemble Clément Janequin - Dominique Visse

Agnès Mellon (soprano), Dominique Visse (countertenor), Michel Laplénie (tenor), Philippe Cantor (baritone), Antoine Sicot (bass), Claude Debôves (lute)

giovedì 11 ottobre 2012

La Diva - Arias for Cuzzoni

14 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 101Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

German soprano Simone Kermes has earned plaudits for her athletic renditions of Baroque opera arias, and here she takes on some of the most strenuous of them all: arias composed by George Frederick Handel for Francesca Cuzzoni. This Italian diva (the album title La Diva seems to refer both to her and to Kermes) joined London's Royal Academy of Music opera company in 1718, and then, when Handel became the city's hottest composer of Italian opera, spent several years singing the most difficult parts he could devise. The relationship was apparently a stormy one at times, with Handel at one point threatening to throw the soprano out a window if she didn't cooperate. Cuzzoni's fame is attested to by the sheer volume of stories about her that have come down to the present time. One of the most famous of these stories had Cuzzoni duking it out on-stage with a rival diva, Faustina Bordoni; that one is now thought to be a fabrication, but it shows the passions Cuzzoni stirred up in her own time. From Kermes' readings it may be a bit hard to figure out exactly why people got so worked up, but these arias are a perfect match for her skills. Perhaps Cuzzoni and Bordoni were one of those classic technician-actress pairs (there is, of course, no way to know). Kermes is a precise technician. Her voice remains not only on pitch but downright beautiful over all the extremes of range and embellishment these arias contain, and her pianissimo (hear the middle of the aria "Piangerò," from Giulio Cesare, for one of several examples that must bring live crowds to their feet at the end) is extraordinary. In pure emotion-laden melody such as that of the famed "V'adoro pupille" from the same opera, Kermes is not quite as convincing. But there are more discoveries than chestnuts here, notably the series of marvelous arias from the less-familiar Siroe, and there are even a couple of world premieres of early versions of arias from Rodelina. These might have been interesting to pair with the later versions, perhaps as bonus tracks. But the presentation in general is both entertaining and intelligent, with booklet notes and translations of the Italian texts in both German and English. Berlin Classics' studio sound is superbly clear.


Scipione (Publio Cornelio Scipione), opera, HWV 20

1 - Scoglio d'immota fronte

Giulio Cesare in Egitto, opera, HWV 17
2 - V'adoro pupille
3 - Piangerò
4 - Se pietà di me non senti

Alessandro, opera, HWV 21
5 - No, più soffrir non voglio

Rodelinda, regina de' Langobardi, opera, HWV 19
6 - Ombre, piante (First version)
7 - Ahi perché, giusto ciel (First version)

Siroe, rè di Persia, opera, HWV 24
8 - Or mi perdo di speranza
9 - Mi lagnerò tacendo
10 - Torrente cresciuto

Tolomeo, rè d'Egitto, opera, HWV 25
11 - Fonti Amichi

Flavio, Rè di Longobardi, opera, HWV 16
12 - Amante stravagante

Riccardo Primo, rè d'Inghilterra, opera, HWV 23
13 - Morte vieni

Admeto, Rè di Tessaglia, opera, HWV 22
14 - Io ti bacio

Simone Kermes, soprano
Lautten Compagney
dir. Wolfgang Katschner

Maddalena Laura Lombardini Sirmen - 6 Violin Concertos Op.III

2 CD - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 140 Mb

DepositFiles - Filefactory

Tutorial Letter to Maddalena Lombardini (Signora Sirmen) from Giuseppe Tartini.
(italian & english)


Concerto N°1 in B flat major
Concerto N°2 in E major
Concerto N°3 in A major
Concerto N°4 in C major
Concerto N°5 in B flat major
Concerto N°6 in C major

Piroska Vitárius, violin

Savaria Baroque Orchestra
dir. Pál Németh
Venice, 9 Dec 1745 - Venice, 18 May 1818

Italian composer, violinist and singer.
Unusually for a woman composer at that time, there appear to have been no other musicians in her family and she became famous entirely through her own efforts.
In 1753 she was admitted to the Ospedale dei Mendicanti in Venice, not as an orphan but as a musician who would be an asset to their all-female choir and orchestra.
She must have been an outstanding violinist since in 1760 she was allowed to go to Padua to study with Tartini; as the lessons were delayed, Tartini wrote her a long letter explaining his violin playing methods and the best way to practise.
It was copied in Padua before it was sent and by 1770, because of its importance, it was in print in Italy, shortly followed by translations into English (by Charles Burney), German and French. (...) (segue).

A biography

mercoledì 10 ottobre 2012

Clement Janequin - Le Chant des Oyseaulx

20 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR file 65Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

1. Le Chant Des Oyseulx
2. Toutes Les Nuictz
3. J'atens Le Temps
4. Il Estoit Une Fillette
5. Las On Peult Juger(G.Morlaye apres Jannequin)
6. Ung Jour Colin
7. O Doulx Regard, O Parler
8. Le Chant De L'alouette
9. Quand Contremont Verras
10. Hellas Mon Dieu Ton Ire
11. Ma Peine N'est Pas Grande
12. O Mal D'aymer
13. Herbes Et Fleurs
14. L'aveugle Dieu (A. De Rippe D'apres Janequin)
15. A Ce Joly Moys De May
16. Assouvy Suis
17. Quelqu'un Me Disoit L'aultre Jour
18. M'y Levay Ung Matin
19. M'y Amye A Eu De Dieu
20. Le Chant Du Rossignol

Ensemble Clement Janequin

martedì 9 ottobre 2012

Francesco Cavalli - Eliogabalo

 3 CD - MP3 320 Kbps - 3 RAR (145+98+141Mb)

CD 1 - - CD 2 - - CD 3

CD 1 - - CD 2 - - CD 3

Heliogabalus ranks as one of Rome's imperial rotten eggs: a mere stripling hoist to the purple by vox pop and the Pretorian Guard, loathed by the posh for his outrageous gay pranks and elevating ex-slaves and women to the senate - smells a bit like Berlusconi to me - he got dumped for his cousin while still in his teens (...)

Francesco Cavalli
(Crema, 14 febbraio 1602 – Venezia, 14 gennaio 1676)

Harmonia Mundi France promised to issue a DVD of Jacobs' rendition of this wonderful work (2004) As nothing still happended here you can find a "bootleg" recorded on april 27, 2004 at the La Monnaie Theatre in Bruxelles, Belgium.

Silvia Tro Santafé (Eliogabalo)
Giorgia Milanesi (Alessandro)
Lawrence Zazzo (Giuliano)
Annette Dasch (Flavia Gemmira)

Nuria Rial (Eritea)
Céline Sheen (Atilia)
Mario Zeffiri (Lenia)
Jeffrey Thompson (Zotico)
Sergio Foresti (Nerbulone)
Joao Fernandes (Tiferne)
Mario Zeffiri, Jeffrey Thompson (Due Consoli)

Concerto Vocale
dir. René Jacobs

lunedì 8 ottobre 2012

Antoine Brumel - Missa - Sequentia

14 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 101Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

Thomas Morley wrote in 1597 that only Brumel and Josquin held the secrets to the older canonic techniques of the composers of the Prima Prattica. In an obviously sign of great admiration Orlando Lassus performed the Missa 'Et ecce terrae motus' over fifty years after Brumel's death. This is a monumental work written in no less than 12 parts yet has a tremendous immediacy that gives it wide appeal. During Brumel's lifetime even Ottaviano Petrucci published a book of his masses, and a number of composers wrote pieces honoring him on his death.


Missa "Et ecce terrae motus" A 12 voci
Sequentia "Dies Irae Dies Illa"

Huelgas Ensemble
dir. Paul Van Nevel


domenica 7 ottobre 2012

Vivaldi - L'Oracolo in Messenia

2 CD - MP3 192 Kbps - RAR 243 Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

Virgin Classics present the world-premiere recording of L’Oracolo in Messenia, an opera prepared by Vivaldi for Vienna in 1740 after its premiere in 1738 in Venice. Fabio Biondi leads this triumphant performance, which opened the 2011 Resonanzen festival in the Austrian capital with a high-powered cast including Ann Hallenberg, Vivica Genaux and rising soprano Julia Lezhneva.
Vivaldi expert Fabio Biondi has reconstructed the work from literary and musical sources – notably a libretto recently discovered at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. This musicological feat follows the example Biondi set with two other Vivaldi operas recorded for Virgin Classics, Bajazet and Ercole sul Termodonte.
Vivaldi hoped for performances of the work in Vienna during Carnival in 1741, but in October 1740 the Austrian Emperor, Charles VI, died suddenly and Austria’s theatres were closed for a year of mourning; so Vivaldi’s plans came to nothing and he himself died in Vienna in 1741, alone and poor. L’Oracolo in Messenia was finally staged in the city in 1742 at the city’s Kärntnertor Theatre, starring Anna Girò, Vivaldi’s favourite prima donna, as Queen Merope.
Appropriately enough, this recording was made in Vienna. It captures the opening performance of the 20th season of the prestigious Resonanzen festival of early music, which takes place at the city’s Konzerthaus. The impressive cast comprises soprano Julia Lezhneva, mezzo sopranos Ann Hallenberg (as Queen Merope), Vivica Genaux, Romina Basso and Franziska Gottwald, counter tenor Xavier Sabata and tenor Magnus Staveland. Fabio Biondi leads his own ensemble, Europa Galante, from the violin. The performance was greeted with a standing ovation and the media were lavish in their praise; indeed the Wiener Zeitung said that: “the festival could not have launched its 20th anniversary in more triumphant fashion”.

Julia Lezhneva (Trasimede)
Ann Hallenberg (Merope)
Vivica Genaux (Epitide)
Romina Basso (Elmira)
Franziska Gottwald (Licisco)
Xavier Sabata (Anassandro)
Magnus Staveland (Polifonte)

Europa Galante
dir. Fabio Biondi

Musique de la Grèce Antique

22 tracks - MP3 192 Kbps - 1 RAR file 76Mb

DepositFiles - FileFactory

1. Anakrousis, Orestes Stasimo
2. Fragments Instrumentaux De Contrapollinopolis
3. 1er Hymne Delphique A Apollon
4. Plainte De Tecmessa
5. Papyrus Wien 29825
6. Hymne Au Soleil
7. Hymne A La Muse
8. Hymne A Nemesis
9. Papyrus Michigan
10. Aenaoi Nefelai
11. Apitaphe De Seikilos
12. Pean, Papyrus Berlin 6870
13. Anonymi Bellermann
14. 1er Ode Pythique
15. Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 2436
16. Hymne Chretienne D'oxyrhynchus
17. Homero Hymnus
18. Papyrus Zenon, Cairo Fragment
19. Terencio, Hecyra 861
20. Poem, Mor 1, 11f, Migne 37,523
21. 2eme Hymne Delphique A Apollon
22. Papyrus Oslo A/B, Epilogos-Katastrophe

Atrium Musicae de Madrid
dir. Gregorio Paniagua